Details of a can - Michelob




  • United States






Other cans from same set:

to bo browad laremed only in the PACELLENO MICHEL ОВ EXC OELLENCE OLE MICHELD 15 INLOR MICHELOR Machelob is to classic meni e Amorican beer Erowed with orly tha farel quaily leat quality ingredients in iko tradition of excellence since 1896 Par Macholob is the olassic Bmerican beer browed with only thefenest guality ingredients in the tradilion of eaxcellonce since adition The limete Ruska Roulet hole of Take you chotce befheen two tairways The safe and secure route for a centam paror the bold and aggrespe route fora likely birde 1896 MICHEL FLOB BEER MICHELOB BERR to bo broned finest CAmenicanlradi a A boor that is alrcoed only in the o Cradition. CA beer that is to be brewed only in the fincst American lradilion." Adolphas Brsch FRESH GUARANTEED Adofphus 15th Hole Freshest Taste within 110 Days J000 12 FA. On. World Woods (Pine Barreas Brooksville, FL SEE BOTTOM FOR BORN ON DATE QUESTIONS/COMMENTS CALL 1-800-342-5283 BREWED AND CANNED BY ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC ST. LOUIS, MO. WORLD'S LARGEST RECYCLER OF ALUMINUM CANS GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) ACCORDING TO THE SURGEON GENERAL, WOMEN SHOULD NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DURING PREGNANCY BECAUSE OF THE RIS 1801 9 OF BIRTH DEFECTS. (2) CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLI BEVERAGES IMPAIRS YOUR ABILITY TO DRIVE A CAR OR OPERATE MACHINERY, AND MAY CAUSE HEALTH PROBLEMS LHTASIE SINCE 1896 664682

to bo browad laremed only in the PACELLENO MICHEL ОВ EXC OELLENCE OLE MICHELD 15 INLOR MICHELOR Machelob is to classic meni e Amorican beer Erowed with orly tha farel quaily leat quality ingredients in iko tradition of excellence since 1896 Par Macholob is the olassic Bmerican beer browed with only thefenest guality ingredients in the tradilion of eaxcellonce since adition The limete Ruska Roulet hole of Take you chotce befheen two tairways The safe and secure route for a centam paror the bold and aggrespe route fora likely birde 1896 MICHEL FLOB BEER MICHELOB BERR to bo broned finest CAmenicanlradi a A boor that is alrcoed only in the o Cradition. CA beer that is to be brewed only in the fincst American lradilion." Adolphas Brsch FRESH GUARANTEED Adofphus 15th Hole Freshest Taste within 110 Days J000 12 FA. On. World Woods (Pine Barreas Brooksville, FL SEE BOTTOM FOR BORN ON DATE QUESTIONS/COMMENTS CALL 1-800-342-5283 BREWED AND CANNED BY ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC ST. LOUIS, MO. WORLD'S LARGEST RECYCLER OF ALUMINUM CANS GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) ACCORDING TO THE SURGEON GENERAL, WOMEN SHOULD NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DURING PREGNANCY BECAUSE OF THE RIS 1801 9 OF BIRTH DEFECTS. (2) CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLI BEVERAGES IMPAIRS YOUR ABILITY TO DRIVE A CAR OR OPERATE MACHINERY, AND MAY CAUSE HEALTH PROBLEMS LHTASIE SINCE 1896 664682
