Details of a can - Graf S


Graf S


  • United States






Other cans from same set:

BICENTENNIAL COMMEMORATIVE Thomas Alva Edison 1847-1931) Great American Inven are: The electric light, the phonogriph, ntographio camera, movie film, the typewriter, oventors 1776 1976 創 TENNIAL COMMEMORAT graf's orange Soda a Arthically Faoed No. 223,898. Patented B Jan. 27, 1880. Thomas Alva Edison 847-1931) A true genius, this "wizardof Mane grantad over are: The electrio light, the phonoym hio amera, movie film, the typewriter, the carly mircoarabh, and the "C pom which modern electronics developed. grantad ooer 1,200patents! Among them 12 FL OZ .355 LITERS TIVE First copy righted motion picture RWekr WISCONSIN 53215 MILWAUKEE INC. GRAF/S BEVERAGES. SODIUM BENZOATE - INGREDIENTS CARBONATED WATER CORN SYRUP CITRIC ACID. ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR ARTIFICIAL COLOR, PRESERVED WITH

BICENTENNIAL COMMEMORATIVE Thomas Alva Edison 1847-1931) Great American Inven are: The electric light, the phonogriph, ntographio camera, movie film, the typewriter, oventors 1776 1976 創 TENNIAL COMMEMORAT graf's orange Soda a Arthically Faoed No. 223,898. Patented B Jan. 27, 1880. Thomas Alva Edison 847-1931) A true genius, this "wizardof Mane grantad over are: The electrio light, the phonoym hio amera, movie film, the typewriter, the carly mircoarabh, and the "C pom which modern electronics developed. grantad ooer 1,200patents! Among them 12 FL OZ .355 LITERS TIVE First copy righted motion picture RWekr WISCONSIN 53215 MILWAUKEE INC. GRAF/S BEVERAGES. SODIUM BENZOATE - INGREDIENTS CARBONATED WATER CORN SYRUP CITRIC ACID. ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR ARTIFICIAL COLOR, PRESERVED WITH
