
上海合作组织青岛峰会 САММИТ ШОСВ ЦИНДАО FROM CHINA TO THE THE WORLD 青島啤酒 指定用酒 HDAO ER BEER LAG PREMIUM SINCE 1903 TSINGGTAO. 一 青島嘲晒一 By reviving our original ane ilaule fermentation process, Ssingtao's aignature 908 is brewed colder for longer to achieve a ile ie, unoother flavor 100P 新享欢紧时刻 始于1903 中国的世界的「经典1903」青岛啤酒客藏型的代表, 甄选上乘酒花与大麦,源自1903年的两段法发酵工艺,长时间低 温精酸,造就醇香四溢的口感体验。 ●原料:水、麦芽、大米、啤酒花及制品。酒精度: 24.0%vol.执行标准: 世GBT4927.质量等级:优级 检验合格。保质期: 365天.生产日期(批号) 见罐底喷码。贮存条件:5℃~25℃光贮存,禁止加热或0℃以下冷冻,建 议饮用温度8℃-15℃.服务电话: 400 680 0899、 800 8600899.过最饮酒, 有害健康。生产商:青岛啤酒股份有限公司.地址:青岛市市北区登州路 56号。产地:山东省青岛市。食品生产许可证编号: SC11537020300222 6 901035 614467 会
Shanghai Cooperation Organization Qingdao Summit САММИТ ШОСВ ЦИНДАО FROM CHINA TO THE THE WORLD Tsing Tao beer Designated wine HDAO ER BEER LAG PREMIUM SINCE 1903 TSINGGTAO. One Qingdao mocks one By reviving our original ane ilaule fermentation process, Ssingtao's aignature 908 is brewed colder for longer to achieve a ile ie, unoother flavor 100P New moments of joy Beginning in 1903, the representative of the "Classic 1903" Tsingtao Brewery in the world of China, Selection of high-quality hops and barley, derived from the two-stage fermentation process in 1903, long-term low Warm essence and acid, create a mellow taste experience. ●Raw materials: water, malt, rice, hops and products. Alcohol: 24.0%vol. Executive standard: World GBT4927. Quality grade: Excellent grade. Passed the inspection. Shelf life: 365 days. Production date (batch number) See the coding at the bottom of the tank. Storage conditions: 5℃~25℃ light storage, no heating or freezing below 0℃, built The recommended drinking temperature is 8℃-15℃. Service hotline: 400 680 0899, 800 8600899. The most drinking, Harmful to health. Manufacturer: Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. Address: Dengzhou Road, Shibei District, Qingdao Number 56. Place of Origin: Qingdao City, Shandong Province. Food production license number: SC11537020300222 6 901035 614467 Can