De Moersleutel

Le ΕΝ EN ENVY BARREL SHERRY 8 71 BATCH: 593 BARREL AGED SHERRY STYLE BARLEY WINE 7 YEARS SERIES BARLEY 7 YEARS S MOERDERSLEUTEL EN BEER ENGINEERS BEER ENG 2 ARTWORK: BARRY TIMMER ENVY BARREL AGED SHERRY STYLE BARLEY WINE | 7 YEARS SERIES Envy is a sin that can make us compare ourselves to others. But with this beer in your hand, you'll know that you're getting the very best! This barrel-aged sherry-style barley wine is complex and rich, with notes of dark fruit, caramel, and a touch of smoke. Want to know how we made it? Scan the QR! Serve at a temperature of 12°C. READ MORE INGREDIENTEN (NL): water, gerstemout, tarwe, haver, spelt, hop, gist. INGREDIENTS (UK): water, malted barley, wheat, cats, spelt, hops, yeast. INGRÉDIENTS (FR): eau, orge malté, blé, avoine, spelt, houblon, levure. INNEHÅLLER (SE): kornmalt, vete, havre, spelt. INDEHOLDER (NO): bygmalt, hvedemalt, havre, spelt. INNEHOLDER (DK): bygmalt, hvedemalt, havre, spelt. AINESOSAT (FI): vesi, ohramallas, vehnä, kaura, spelt, humala, hiiva. CONTAINS: gluten, may contain traces of nuts and peanuts. SISÄLTÄÄ: gluteenia, saattaa sisältää pieniä määriä pähkinää ja maapähkinää. INNEHÅLLER: gluten, kan innehålla spår av nötter och jordnötter. WWW.MOERSLEUTEL.COM BIER/ BEER/ ALC 12% VOL OLUT/OL/ DRINK RESPONSIBLY BL/BIERE CERVEZA BIRRA 69 Brewed by/Brygget av:/Valmistaja:/ Brassée par:/Gebrouwen door: UK importer: James Clay and Sons, River St, Brighouse HD6 ILU, UK Moersleutel Craft Brewery, Diamantweg 9, Alkmaar, 1812 RC, NL. Best before: /Bäst före: se halsen på burken / Best før:/ Parasta ennen: /A consommer de préférence avant le: / Tenminste houdbaar tot einde: See can/katso tölkki/se burk T 440ML € STATIE PANT I KR 3 8 "720615 262137