
PUUR NATUUR BIER ROUWERIJ DE LEEUW B.V. VALE PUUR ATUUR BIER Birra Cerveza Holland Bier Holland Bier Beer Biere . Birra: Cerveza . Biere Birra Beer Biere Gebrouwen in / brewed by: Bierbrouwerij De Leeuw B.V. Valkenburg Holland Leeuw Pilsener, gebrouwen uit de fijnste hop- en moutsoorten en met op negentig meter diepte aan de mergellagen onttrokken sprankelend bronwater. Een bier met karakter, op ambachtelijke wijze gebrouwen met een traditioneel lange lagering. Koel bewaren. Tenminste houdbaar tot: zie bodem Best before end: see base of can Pilsener Bier / Beer; 5 VOL % ALC. Cat. I Leeuw Pilsener, brewed from the finest hops and malt added to sparkling spring water extracted from the marl layers 90 metres deep in the earth. A beer with character, brewed and left to lie long in the old traditional way. Store in a cool place. 18 86 I8 86 LEEEUW BBIER LEEUW Inhoud / Cont.: BIER e 33 cl 330 ml 11,5 fl. oz. (imp) 11,2 fl. oz. (US) DE LEEUW B.V. DEUVELEEUW PILSENER R PIL SENER BIER PUURN RECYCLABLE BIERBROUWER BURG VALKENB ALKENBURG BIERBROUWER 8 711464 000605 VALKENBURG a 60 3 OLL8
PURE NATURE BEER ROUWERIJ DE LEEUW B.V. VALE PURE NATURE BEER Birra Cerveza Holland Beer Holland Beer Beer Biere . Birra: Cerveza. Biere Birra Beer Biere Brewed in / brewed by: Beer Brewery De Leeuw B.V. Valkenburg Holland Lion Pilsner, brewed from the finest hops and malts and with on ninety meters deep extracted the marl layers sparkling spring water. A beer with character, in the traditional way brewed with a traditional long bearing. Keep cool. Best before: see bottom best before end: see base of can Pilsner Beer / Beer; 5 VOL % ALC. cat. I Lion Pilsner, brewed from the finest hops and malt added to sparkling spring water extracted from the marl layers 90 meters deep in the earth. A beer with character, brewed and left to lie long in the old traditional way. Store in a cool place. 18 86 I8 86 LION BBIER LION Content / Cont.: BEER e 33 cl 330ml 11.5 fl oz. (imp) 11.2 fl oz. (US) THE LION BV DOVE LION PILSENER R PILL SENER BEER PUREN RECYCLABLE BEER BREWER BURG VALKENB ALKENBURG BEER BREWER 8 711464 000605 VALKENBURG at 60 3 OLL8