United Kingdom

EST BEFORE END: see base of can. BEST SERVED CHILLED Lne is not approprlate for replacing the fuld lost during dierho otable ler children under 3 years, This preduct may stain spll TIRED OF BATTLING THROUGH YOUR DAY? GET YOUR EDGE BACK WITH LUCOZADE ENERGY PROVIDES GLUCOSE WHICH ACTS FAST TO REFUEL YOUR BODY FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SPARKLING GLUCOSE DRINK NGREDENTS: Carbonated Wator, Glucsse Syrup (o4, Ciric Acd, Lacte lo ly Bagualator (Sodiom Ctrtel Faveuring, Preservative (Sodium Benzt Ctone L012 Antiaidant flacertic Acid, Colur (Sunset Yelioe NUTRITION INFORMATIONM: Typical walues per 100ml: Enery 299 TO kcal, Protein-Trace, Carbobydrate 17.2g (of which sugars .0g -N (of which satsrates-Nill. Fibre- Sodium-Tracs OUR PUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? b Cantomer Rolations Sandmib Cine, FREEPOST TK2018 Irathord TWS 96S or cal 0SCC 096 2066 UK resid mban, Dublin 16, 80 or call 150 509 (Pustage necessary octside le R I dssatisfied pleast retain pack LOCOZADE d LUCOZADE ENERGY an rogistered trade marks of GemSimilKinn growp df smpanies Calories 12% 231 y ar Stonemssons Sugars 3% 29.79 Fat 0% Nil Saturates Nil 330 mle Original Original Salt 4% 0.3g (alu) Ciring Lou e rcical Ldge Giring Lou e ysical Ldge A prt of a balanced diet and hoalthy Mestyfe. MO09003/28 P8CK23A 5 "000134 001299> apezoɔn ENERGY )רוZ00טוה ENERGY Each aa0ml pack comaina
EST BEFORE END: see base of can. BEST SERVED CHILLED Lne is not approprlate for replacing the fuld lost during dierho otable ler children under 3 years, This preduct may stain spll TIRED OF BATTLING THROUGH YOUR DAY? GET YOUR EDGE BACK WITH LUCOZADE ENERGY PROVIDES GLUCOSE WHICH ACTS FAST TO REFUEL YOUR BODY FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SPARKLING GLUCOSE DRINK NGREDENTS: Carbonated Wator, Glucsse Syrup (o4, Ciric Acd, Lacte lo ly Bagualator (Sodiom Ctrtel Faveuring, Preservative (Sodium Benzt Ctone L012 Antiaidant flacertic Acid, Colur (Sunset Yelioe NUTRITION INFORMATIONM: Typical walues per 100ml: Enery 299 TO kcal, Protein-Trace, Carbobydrate 17.2g (of which sugars .0g -N (of which satsrates-Nill. Fibre- Sodium-Tracs OUR PUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? b Cantomer Rolations Sandmib Cine, FREEPOST TK2018 Irathord TWS 96S or cal 0SCC 096 2066 UK resid mban, Dublin 16, 80 or call 150 509 (Pustage necessary octside le R I dssatisfied pleast retain pack LOCOZADE d LUCOZADE ENERGY an rogistered trade marks of GemSimilKinn growp df smpanies Calories 12% 231 y ar Stonemssons Sugars 3% 29.79 Fat 0% Nil Saturates Nil 330 mle Original Original Salt 4% 0.3g (alu) Ciring Lou e rcical Ldge Giring Lou e ysical Ldge A prt of a balanced diet and hoalthy Mestyfe. MO09003/28 P8CK23A 5 "000134 001299> apezoɔn ENERGY )רוZ00טוה ENERGY Each aa0ml pack comaina