new Zealand

apoduct of The Coca Cola Company id, Sales Representative. to 10th February 1989. To the Hhe Retailer: Please retain this can for reund from your Oasis Industries' cipating ing store, you are entitled to a WINNACAN WINNACAN WINNACAN 355m 855mL Wiina thosands to bewon! WINNA CAN of SPRITE' look inside for the printed message EACH PACH PROMOTIONAL CAN HAS A MESA MESSAGE PRINTED ON THE INSION INSIDE BASE OF THE CAN If the met he message reads 'LIKE' and you canof 'SPRITE When you drink this special Recyclable You are abee able to correctly complete this* adert vertising slogan for 'Sprite.. Tlik Tike the S....e in you When you present this can at a parti- g store, you are entitled to a FREE E can of 'Sprite'. This offer is valid to 10th February 1989. e Retailer: Please retain this can for refund aproduct o e o Cola Company Sprite LEMONADE TRADE MARK REGD. Sprite LEMONADE TRADE MARK REGD PREPARED & CANNED BY OASIS INDUSTRIES LTD., THE OASIS, MT., WELLINGTON, AUCKLAND, N.Z. OWNER OF THE TRADE MARK 'SPRITE CARBONATED WATER, SUGAR, F00D ACID (330, 331), FLAV OURING, PRESERVATIVE (211). ALL ALUMINIUM CAN MADE IN N.Z.
apoduct of The Coca Cola Company id, Sales Representative. to 10th February 1989. To the Hhe Retailer: Please retain this can for reund from your Oasis Industries' cipating ing store, you are entitled to a WINNACAN WINNACAN WINNACAN 355m 855mL Wiina thosands to bewon! WINNA CAN of SPRITE' look inside for the printed message EACH PACH PROMOTIONAL CAN HAS A MESA MESSAGE PRINTED ON THE INSION INSIDE BASE OF THE CAN If the met he message reads 'LIKE' and you canof 'SPRITE When you drink this special Recyclable You are abee able to correctly complete this* adert vertising slogan for 'Sprite.. Tlik Tike the S....e in you When you present this can at a parti- g store, you are entitled to a FREE E can of 'Sprite'. This offer is valid to 10th February 1989. e Retailer: Please retain this can for refund aproduct o e o Cola Company Sprite LEMONADE TRADE MARK REGD. Sprite LEMONADE TRADE MARK REGD PREPARED & CANNED BY OASIS INDUSTRIES LTD., THE OASIS, MT., WELLINGTON, AUCKLAND, N.Z. OWNER OF THE TRADE MARK 'SPRITE CARBONATED WATER, SUGAR, F00D ACID (330, 331), FLAV OURING, PRESERVATIVE (211). ALL ALUMINIUM CAN MADE IN N.Z.