No Fear
United Kingdom

ssium), Glucoronolactone, Arômes, Inositol Colorants (Caramel Ammoniacal, Glucoronolactone F lactone. Flavours, Inositol, Colours (A A HAUTE TENEUR TENEUR EN CAFEINE 30 mg/100 ml. A cônsommer de façon responsable. O BEBIDA ENERGETC ENERGETICA. INGREDIENTES: Agua, Azúcar, Jarabe de Glucosa, Ácido Cítrico, Regulader Regulador de la Acidez (Citrato de Sodio), Taurina, Dióxido de Carbono, Cafeina, Sodium), Taurine, On Taurine, Dioxyde de Carbone, Caféine, C ervateur (Benzoate de sodium, Sorbate Il est recomman omandé d'adopter un réglme allmentalre équlbré et varlé et un mode de vle sals Conservante (Ben snante (Benzoato de Sodio, Sorbato Potásico), Glucoronolactona, Aromatizantes, Inositol, Colorantes Colorantes (Caramelo Amónico, Riboflavina), Niacina, Acido Pantoténico, Vitamina O INGRÉDIENTS. Ea NENTS: Eau, Sucre, Sirop de Glucose, Aci trique, Régulateur d'acidité (Citrate de Ce prodult ne co ne convlent pas aux Jeunes enfants, aux femmes encelntes ou allaltant au selet NO FEART is a tet sa trade mark of No Fear International Limited Abrir con cuidads a cidado, almacenar en sitio seco, servir en frio. Merseyside UK WA1 UK WA11 00Z Distributed by Ami Aimia Foods Limited, Penny Lane, Haydock. RESEALABLE CA NEW RESEA LE CAN Panthotenic Acid wenic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12. CB INGREDIENTS: Wat ENTS: Water, Sugar, Glucose Syrup, C of direct sunight Bs ight. Best served chilled. Best Before end SeN e end: See Base of Can and used under leencwet under licence by Aimia Foods. NEW RESEALABLE CA Energy the ultimate boosting, mind s ting energy drink! No Fear NO NO FU X-rat focusin, HOW NO FEAR NOFEARGO.UK HAV EKTRIEME ENERGY TM wwwI Acidity Regulator (Sodium Citrate) n Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate). Caramel, Riboflavin), Niacin, Taurine, Carbon Dio Carbon Dioxide, Caffeine, Preservative d'a de potassium), Gu Riboflavine), Niacne aux personnes mes senslbles à la cafélne. B6, Vitamina B12. Eamina B12. ALTO CONTENID TENIDO EN CAFEÏNA 30mg/100mg. Consumir con responsablldad. Se recomlende s Este producto ni tampoco pan o para personas senslbles a la cafeína. NUTRITION /UTRITION / APPORTS NUTRITIONNELS / NUTRICIÓN TYPICAL VALUES CAL VALUES PIER 100ML. / VALEURS TYPIQUES pour 100 ml / VALORES TİPICOSURES TİPICOS por 100ml Energy/Valeu Eg/Valeur Energétique / Calorías Protein / Protéines / Protéines / Proteínas Carbohydrate / Gu ydrate/Glucides/ Hidratos de carbono Fat/Lipides/G Upides/Grasas Niacin / Niacine /Niacine/ Niacina Pantothenic Acidhenic Acid/Acide Pantothénique / Ácido Pantoténico Vitamin B6/Vitani 86/ Vitamine B6 / Vitamina B6 Vitamin B12/Vita B12 / Vitamine B12/Vitamina B12 da segulr una dleta equllbrada, varlada y un éstilo de vida saludable. cto no es recomendable para nlños, mujeres embarazadas, lactantes. % RDA CDR 196kJ/46kcal 0.4g 10.5g (Sat. 10.5) <0.1g (Sat. 0.1gr) 7.2mg 2mg 0.8mg 0.4pg 45% 33% 57% 16% HIGH CAE HIGH CAFFEINE CONTENT EXTREMEME ENERRGY 30mg/100ml Please consume responsibly Please A varied balen ed balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommen ommended. This product is not sultable for young chid women or in or individuals sensitive to caffeine. children, pregnant and breast feeding Pnsused contale open with care. Store In a cool dry place out d in the E.U./FABRICADO EN LA EU Manufactored in teE 485mle le A consommer de pe Consumh pree e préférence avant le: voir sous la canette pelefentemente antes de: Ver base de la lata 485mle 00 S1BJO2A+ E 76 L 9
ssium), Glucoronolactone, Flavors, Inositol Colors (Caramel Ammoniacal, Glucoronolactone F lactone. Flavors, Inositol, Colors (A WITH HIGH CAFEINE CONTENT 30 mg / 100 ml. To be used responsibly. O BEBIDA ENERGETC ENERGETICA. INGREDIENTS: Agua, Azúcar, Jarabe de Glucosa, Ácido Cítrico, Regulader Regulador de la Acidez (Citrato de Sodio), Taurina, Dióxido de Carbono, Cafeina, Sodium), Taurine, On Taurine, Carbon Dioxide, Caffeine, C ervator (Sodium benzoate, Sorbate It is recommended to adopt a balanced and varied allmental rule and a Conservante (Ben snante (Benzoato de Sodio, Sorbato Potásico), Glucoronolactona, Aromatizantes, Inositol, Colorants (Caramelo Amónico, Riboflavina), Niacina, Acido Pantoténico, Vitamina O INGREDIENTS. Ea NENTS: Water, Sugar, Glucose Syrup, Acitric, Acidity Regulator (Citrate de This product is not suitable for young children, women encelntes or allaltants selet. NO FEART is a tet sa trade mark of No Fear International Limited Abrir con cuidads a cidado, almacenar en sitio seco, serve as frio. Merseyside UK WA1 UK WA11 00Z Distributed by Ami Aimia Foods Limited, Penny Lane, Haydock. RESEALABLE CA NEW RESEA THE CAN Panthotenic Acid wenic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12. CB INGREDIENTS: Wat ENTS: Water, Sugar, Glucose Syrup, C of direct sunight Bs ight. Best served chilled. Best Before end SeN e end: See Base of Can and used under leencwet under license by Aimia Foods. NEW RESEALABLE CA Energy the ultimate boosting mind s ting energy drink! No Fear NO NO FU X-rat focusin, HOW NO FEAR NOFEARGO.UK HAV EKTRIEME ENERGY TM wwwI Acidity Regulator (Sodium Citrate) n Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate). Caramel, Riboflavin), Niacin, Taurine, Carbon Dio Carbon Dioxide, Caffeine, Preservative of a potassium), Gu Riboflavin), Niacne to people my senslbles in the cafélne. B6, Vitamina B12. Eamina B12. ALTO CONTENID TENIDO EN CAFEÏNA 30mg / 100mg. Consumir con responsablldad. Recomlende s Este producto ni tampoco pan o para personas senslbles a la caffeína. NUTRITION / UTRITION / NUTRITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS / NUTRICIÓN TYPICAL VALUES CAL VALUES PIER 100ML. / TYPICAL VALUES for 100 ml / VALORES TİPICOSURES TİPICOS por 100ml Energy / Eg value / Energy value / Calorías Protein / Proteins / Proteins / Proteinas Carbohydrate / Gu ydrate / Carbohydrates / Hidratos de carbono Fat / Lipids / G Upides / Fat Niacin / Niacin / Niacin / Niacina Pantothenic Acidhenic Acid / Pantothenic Acid / Ácido Pantoténico Vitamin B6 / Vitani 86 / Vitamin B6 / Vitamina B6 Vitamin B12 / Vita B12 / Vitamin B12 / Vitamina B12 da segulr una dleta equllbrada, varlada y un éstilo de vida saludable. cto no es recomendable para nlños, mujeres embarazadas, lactantes. % RDA CDR 196kJ / 46kcal 0.4g 10.5g (Sat. 10.5) <0.1g (Sat. 0.1gr) 7.2mg 2mg 0.8mg 0.4pg 45% 33% 57% 16% HIGH CAE HIGH CAFFEINE CONTENT EXTREMEME ENERRGY 30mg / 100ml Please consume responsibly Please A varied balen ed balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommen ommended. This product is not sultable for young chid women or in or individuals sensitive to caffeine. children, pregnant and breast feeding Pnsused contale open with care. Store In a cool dry place out d in the E.U./FABRICADO EN LA EU Manufactored in teE 485mle the To consume from pe Consumh pree Preference before: see under the can pelefentemente antes de: Base worm of the lata 485mle 00 S1BJO2A + E 76 L 9