- South Korea
always Siempre Coke Trademark Regd. zawsze Towujours 코-크 ® 알루미늄 250ml 1 등 록 상 표 청량음료 허가번호등: 경기 여주군 제6호 납세증지첩부면제품 국세청승인 제22-7호 제품유형: 착향탄산음료 내용량: 250ml 제조년월일 : 제품하단표시 유통기한:제조일로부터 24개월까지 원재료명 : 액상과당, 탄산가스, 카라멜, 인산, 향료 제조자:두산음료(주) 경기도 여주군 여주읍 점봉리 411-1 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 지정회사 제품교환장소: 본사(080-024-5999) 및 각 영업소, 본 제품은 소비자 피해 보상 규정에 따라 교환 또는 보상을 받을 수 있습니다. 빈 캔은 재활용이 되므로 분리수거통에 넣어 '주세요. 차게해서 드십시오. "Coca-Cola"와 "코카·콜라". "Coke"와 "코-크"는 THE COCA-COLA COMPANYO N . 1996 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 700도LO1760LO818
always Siempre Coke Trademark Regd. zawsze Towujours co-ke ® aluminum 250ml One registered trademark Soft drink license number, etc.: Yeoju-gun, Gyeonggi-do No. 6 tax payment stamp sticky noodles National Tax Service Approval No. 22-7 Product Type: Flavored Carbonated Drink Contents: 250ml Date of manufacture: Displayed at the bottom of the product Expiration date: Up to 24 months from the date of manufacture Ingredients: high fructose sugar, carbon dioxide, caramel, phosphoric acid, flavoring Manufacturer: Doosan Beverage Co., Ltd. 411-1, Jeombong-ri, Yeoju-eup, Yeoju-gun, Gyeonggi-do Designated Company of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Product exchange place: Headquarters (080-024-5999) and each sales office, this product is subject to consumer damage compensation regulations You can get an exchange or a reward depending on your needs. Empty cans are recycled, so put them in the recycling bin. 'please. Please enjoy chilled. "Coca-Cola" and "Coca-Cola". "Coke" and "Coke" are THE COCA-COLA COMPANYO N . 1996 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 700 degree LO1760LO818