- United Kingdom
to the nearest hour. (One Sony C90 cassette tape is 135m long). employees of Sot rplyees of Scottish and Newcastle Breweries plc. S&NB Tapes, PO Box 41, 35 Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield, your estimate wo westimate with 8 ring pulls per entry, to the offer address. W. Midlands. Offer limited to two cassettes per household. You get a freenty RFREESO NY I lape as used in Sony C90 cassettes reaches straight from the Northernmost point in Scotland to the Southernmost tip of England- mainland only -estimate the over all tape playing time, at normal speed, system worth £50 - by solving this problem: rollect 8 green ring dosest to the 100,000 Prizes will be awa o clann your FREE SONY C If necessarva C90 Cassettes 500 SONY Walkmans. to be won! AND. Win a Sony Walkman - your own personal stereo Send sae oute full winners listandre Offer and conmpe Pls Plus Chstibue d Se STR PILSNERER LAG PILSNER AGE OF DISPOSE 440 ml 15.5 fl oz TIDILY 440 ml 15.5 floz loz REL BREWED BY SCOTTISH & NEWCASTLE BREWERIES PLC EDINBURGH SCOTLAND 5 "010118 219305 REL KES Best before end of month shown on top Original Gravity 1030°-1034°
to the nearest hour. (One Sony C90 cassette tape is 135m long). employees of Sot rplyees of Scottish and Newcastle Breweries plc. S&NB Tapes, PO Box 41, 35 Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield, your estimate wo westimate with 8 ring pulls per entry, to the offer address. W. Midlands. Offer limited to two cassettes per household. You get a freenty RFREESO NY I lape as used in Sony C90 cassettes reaches straight from the Northernmost point in Scotland to the Southernmost tip of England- mainland only -estimate the over all tape playing time, at normal speed, system worth £50 - by solving this problem: rollect 8 green ring dosest to the 100,000 Prizes will be awa o clann your FREE SONY C If necessarva C90 Cassettes 500 SONY Walkmans. to be won! AND. Win a Sony Walkman - your own personal stereo Send sae oute full winners listandre Offer and conmpe Pls Plus Chstibue d Se STR PILSNERER LAG PILSNER AGE OF DISPOSE 440 ml 15.5 fl oz TIDILY 440 ml 15.5 floz loz REL BREWED BY SCOTTISH & NEWCASTLE BREWERIES PLC EDINBURGH SCOTLAND 5 "010118 219305 REL KES Best before end of month shown on top Original Gravity 1030°-1034°