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| 100% win, good win, good event! | Vita 500 and all countries) together with Migu | 5 Magu Balls and 5 Magu Balls for everyone Enter your coupon code now Coupon input period: 2015 183 0: Until January 31, 2015 ,* This event is for Vita 500 205 Vita 500 2 million cans For products that have been produced on a limited basis, 'Example of coupon input) When the coupon number is 1223 and the coupon number is 1234-5678 Enter (MAGU-MAGU-1231-MASUHMAGU-1234-5678) in the coupon input window See www.vita500.com -00,com. * For details of the event, visit the Vita 500 website for Vita S008 and N4. Guangdong Vita 500 and Magical Migu 20143 2014 kind We will give 100% of player cards 100% of c units! DRINK Drinking Vitamin-C 1 Event product (iat product) HEI500- 1. 5 Magu Balls 2. KBO Rare, KBO Platinum Sare, KBO Platinum, KBO Legend, KBO Elite Jind, KBO Elite Card 1 random payment (When entering a coupon, funds 1 and 2 are both self-sufficient!) lindom payment KH HOFH in ② Coupon input method Door input method Magumagu 2014 Game Run After 2014 game run, In the "Enter Coupon" window, click "MAGU MAGU" in the "MAGUA window" After entering, the coupon number on the back of the can opener Please enter 8 digits. OO ③ Event period 1ent period For mass-produced products Preservative-Free, Color-Free 201 2014 Limited edition products! It goes on. Vitamin C 1,200mg, Calcium 13mg 240 ml (95 kcal) ・For details of the event, see Vita S0 won www.vita500.com & (See 500.com. O201 ©2014.CJ Netmarble CORP. LHO Nutritional Serving Quantity 1 book) 240 ml) KDBita 2800, trisodium citrate, pectin, taurine, DL-ciperate orange extract Raw material origin: Omglo % Ni E T5 mgl4 %, Vitamin C (200mgt 200 %, Gamma 3 mg2 %) The level of chian is stored in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight from Eunjung and direct sunlight until the date indicated on the nutrient base paper for 1 day. Occasionally, precipitation by It may occur, but it is not deteriorated, so please shake it with confidence. ●After opening, be sure to refrigerate and consume as soon as possible. Do not heat directly in a microwave or fire. Do not. ●This product can be exchanged for or compensated for in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards (Notice by the Fair Trade Commission) If it is deformed, swelled, damaged, or if the contents are altered, do not consume and exchange at the place of purchase. If shaken vigorously before opening, the contents may Please be careful as there is a risk of splashing with aluminum. Be careful not to injure your hands when opening Nitrogen filling Consumer counseling center 080- uo-He-00 024-0030 (toll-free clover service)-bu Report 1399 without an area code -Manufacturer/Sales: Gwangdong Jeak Co., Ltd. / 1081 Gyeonggi-daero, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do / wwwwcelcdo.com 2260LO 088
