Details of a can - Outox




  • Belgium








acide ascorbique, aróme c ardme, colorant. A consommer de préférence avant: Ingrédients: eau gazéfiegazéfie, fructose, acide citrique, acide malique, enjoy slowly &t sene & serve chilled" DIS BV canned under the a under the authority of malic acid, ascorbic acid f sorbic acid, flavour, colour. Best before: see base of can. voir fond boite. Ingredientyngredients: carbonated water, fructose, citric acid, fatty acids-gesättigte Fetsiust tige Fettsäure Ou acide ascorbique, arôme c voir fond boite. Ingredie horedients: carbonated water, fructose, citric acid, nome, colorant. A consommer de préférence avant: Zutaten: kohlensäurehalsiurehaltiges Wasser, Fruktose, Zitronensäure, Apfelsäure, Ascorbinsäun orbinsäure, Aroma, Farbstoffe. Haltbar bis: siehe unter. Ingredienti: acqua gassat a gassata, fruttosio, acido citrico, acido malico, acido ascorbico, aroma, coloranti, coloranti. Da consu- marsi preseribilmente entro: vedere il fondo della latin mdela lattina Összetevők: szódavíz, fruktóz, citromsay, almasav, aszkorbinsay,tem bisav, természetes aroma és színezék. Minőségét megőrzi: lásd doboz alján. iboz alján. Valeurs nutritionnelles/Nt tomelles/Nutrional Values /NährwerteNährwerte/ Informazioni nutrizional utizionali/Táplálkozási információk: valeur énergétique -energy -energy value - Energiewert-valoreet-valore energetico - energiaérték /100 ml /250 ml 82 kcal/ 205 kcal/ 206 kJ 858,45 kJ protéines - protein-Ewell-n-Eiweiß- proteine- fehérjeék 0g 0g glucides- carbohydrates- ydrates- Kohlenhydraten - carboidreti-carboidrati- szénhidrátok 20,7 g 51,8 g 20,0 g 50,0 g sucres - sugars- Zücker - zuccheri-cukrok tdi-cukrok t-grassi- lipides - fat-Fett-grass- zsírok 0g 0g ts-saturated acides gras saturés- saturated fatty acids- gesättigte Fetsau ngte etsäure - acido grasso saturo-telitet zsirsavak 0g 0 g asturo-telitett <0,1 g < 0,1 g natrium - sodium fibres alimentaires-fibres Ballaststoffe- fibre-rostok -fibres- Thoe-rostok 0g 0g ha Antwerp Belgium prime select bvba Antwep & serve chilled 250 ml enjoy slowly &sene refreshing soft drink 5G92J27C REXAM H22987C 8 436011294053

ascorbic acid, aroma c ardme, colorant. Consume a preference before: Ingredients: eau gas gaseous, fructose, citric acid, malic acid, enjoy slowly & t sene & serve chilled " DIS BV canned under the a under the authority of malic acid, ascorbic acid f sorbic acid, flavor, color. Best before: see base of can. see bottom box. Ingredient ingredients: carbonated water, fructose, citric acid, fatty acids-saturated Fetish highly fatty acid Ou ascorbic acid, aroma c see bottom box. Ingredient horedients: carbonated water, fructose, citric acid, nome, colorant. Consume a preference before: Ingredients: carbonated water, fructose, citric acid, Malic acid, ascorbic acid orbic acid, flavor, dyes. Durable up to: see below. Ingredients: gassed and gassed water, fruttosio, citric acid, malic acid, acido ascorbico, aroma, coloranti, coloranti. Consumer goods are generally included: vedde il fondo della latin mdela lattina Összetevők: szódavíz, fruktóz, citromsay, almasav, aszkorbinsay, tem bisav, természetes aroma és színezék. Minőségét megőrzi: lásd doboz alján. iboz alján. Nutritional Values / Nt Tomelles / Nutrional Values / Nutritional Nutritional Values / Utizioni nutizional utizionali / Táplálkozási információk: energy value -energy -energy value - Energiewert-valoreet-valore energetico - energiaérték / 100 ml / 250 ml 82 kcal / 205 kcal / 206 kJ 858.45 kJ proteins - protein-well-n-protein- proteine- fehérjeék 0g 0g glucides- carbohydrates- ydrates- Carbohydrates - carboidreti-carboidrati- stage hydration 20.7 g 51.8 g 20.0 g 50.0 g sucres - sugars- Zücker - zuccheri-cukrok tdi-cukrok t-grassi- lipids - fat-fat-grass- zsírok 0g 0g ts-saturated saturated grass acids- saturated fatty acids- saturated fatty acids ngte etsäure - acido grasso saturo-telitet zsirsavak 0g 0 g asturo-telitett <0.1 g <0.1 g sodium - sodium dietary fiber Fiber-fiber rostock -fibers- Thoe-rostok 0g 0g ha Antwerp Belgium prime select bvba Antwep & serve chilled 250 ml enjoy slowly & late refreshing soft drink 5G92J27C REXAM H22987C 8 436011294053
