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witamin 82 and folic acid), taurine (0,03%), flavouring caffeine, colour (E150d). High xidfer: ciric acid, flavouring, vitamins: (vitamin C, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, affeine content (31,5 mg/100ml). WARNING: This product is not recommended for GB. Energy drink. Soft drink with caffeine. Ingredients: carbonated water, sugar, ENEERGY (EISRd e rts Uso(31,5 mg/100ml). S : J ser ail Upuaz WhU PACKED WEI hildren, pregnant women, or those sensitive to caffeine. Swein a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. Best served chilled. bet before end - see base of can. Only to be consurmed in limited quantities. ENERGY DRINK ENE FR. Eneroy drink. Boisson gazeuse avec la caféine. Ingrédients: eau gazeuse, sucre xidfant: acide citrioue, arôme, vitamines: (vitanine C, niacine, acide pantothé. dore vitamine B6, vitamine B2 et acide folique), taurine (0,03%), arôme caféine, couleur FSM.Teneur élevée en caféine (31,5 mg/100rnl). AVERTISSEMENT: Ce produit n'est nas Rommandé pour les enfants, les femmes enceintes, ou ceux sensibles à la caféine. Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec à l'abri du soleil. Senit fals. De préférence avant fin - voir la base du can. Seul à être consommé en quantités limitées. DE. Energy drink. Erfrischungsgetränk mit Koffein. Zutaten: Wasser, Zucker, Kohlensäure, Säuenungsmitel: Citronensäure, Aroma, Vitamine:(Vitamin C, Niacin, Pantothensäure, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2 und Folsäure), Taurin (0,03%), Aroma Koffein, Farbstoff (E150d). Erhöhter Kafengehalt (31,5 mg/100ml). WARNUNG: Nicht geeignet für Kinder, Schwangere und koffenempfindliche Personen. An einem kühlen, trockenen Ort ohne direkte Sonneneinstrahlung aufbewahren. Am besten gekühlt servieren. Mindestens haltbar bis Ende - Siehe Dosenboden. Nur in legenzten Mengen verzehren. WLNACTENERG YONNN.COM ww. ACENOK.COM/NE ACTENERGY عسرقا يناك زاغو ركسلاو عاملا : تان وك ملا مني ف الثلا عم تي زاغلا تاب ورش ملا بارشلا تواطلا .اn 500mle زول انيروتلا انيي ف العلاو ،)كيلوفلا ضمح و PACKED IN EU jee rs Uaaso (31,5 mg/100ml). is, : JI sP Yail uer U PACKED IN منيي ف القل ي ساسحلا فلت وا لمارحا اسنا دربم لضفا مدځ قرشاب مل سم شلا قعشانع أديعب فاچو دراب نالم وف افری تودحم تاي مكب كلهتست نا ال نكمي تدعاق رظنا - ي اهن لبق الفرنا NAVSON LTD NAVSON LTD alu EGHAM EGHAM TW20 8RY TW20 8RY 100ML Mutritional Value per 100ml Nährwerte pro 100ml Nutritional Value per 100ml. AE 211KJ/50kcal DE Brennwert Eiweiß GB Energy Protein Carbohydrates of which sugars Fat of which saturates Fibre Sodium FR Valeur énergétique Protélnes Glucides dont sucre Og 12.0g 12.0g 0g 0g 0g 0.003g Kohlenhydrate davon Zucker Fett Lipides dont acides gras saturés Fibres alimentaires Sodium davon gesättigte Fettsäuren Ballaststoffe Natrium ENEERGY DRINK Vitamin C Niacin Pantothenic acid Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Niacin Pantothensäure Vitamin B6 Vitamin B2 Folsäure 18.0mg 22.5* S.Amg 1.8mg CAFFE CAFFEINIE-SIX VITAMINS 33.8* Vitamine C Niacine (Vit. B3) Acide Pantothénique Vitamine B6 Vitamine B2 Acide Folique 30.0* 0.6mg 42.9 0.48mg 34.3* 60.0μg 1 30.0* 500ML Vitamin B2 Folic Acid (*% Der empfohlenen Tagesdosis) ("% of RDA) (*% Des Apports Joumaliers Recommandés) G1SJ04A 5 060148 623351
vitamin 82 and folic acid), taurine (0.03%), flavoring caffeine, color (E150d). High xidfer: ciric acid, flavoring, vitamins: (vitamin C, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, affeine content (31.5 mg / 100ml). WARNING: This product is not recommended for GB. Energy drink. Soft drink with caffeine. Ingredients: carbonated water, sugar, ENEERGY (EISRd e rts Uso (31.5 mg / 100ml). S: J ser ail Upuaz WhU PACKED WEI hildren, pregnant women, or those sensitive to caffeine. Swein a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. Best served chilled. bet before end - see base of can. Only to be consurmed in limited quantities. ENERGY DRINK ENE FR. Eneroy drink. Gauze gas with the café. Ingredients: gauze water, sugar xidfant: citric acid, aroma, vitamins: (vitamin C, niacin, pantotheic acid. dore vitamin B6, vitamin B2 and folic acid), taurine (0.03%), caffeine aroma, color FSM.Teneur elevated in caffeine (31.5 mg / 100rnl). NOTICE: This product is non-existent Recommended for children, older women, or those sensitive to the café. Preserve in a fresh and dry place until the end of the day. Senit fals. Pre-preference - see the base of the can. Only to be consumed in quantities limited. DE. Energy drink. Refreshment drink with caffeine. Ingredients: water, sugar, carbon dioxide, Pesticides: Citric acid, Flavor, Vitamins: (Vitamin C, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, vitamin B2 and folic acid), taurine (0.03%), flavoring caffeine, dye (E150d). Increases Caffeine content (31.5 mg / 100ml). WARNING: Not suitable for children, pregnant women and coffee-sensitive people. Store in a cool, dry place without direct sunlight. Serve chilled best. At least durable to the end - See can bottoms. Only in consume legends. WLNACTENERG YONNN.COM ww. ACENOK.COM/NE ACTENERGY If you do not want to be able to do this, you will need to be able to do this in the first place, and you will not be able to. 500mle ول انيروتلا انيي ف العلاو ،) كيلوفلا ضمح و PACKED IN EU jee rs Uaaso (31.5 mg / 100ml). is,: JI sP Yail uer U PACKED IN Mani Falkal in Sassala Plait and Lamarza Asana Unable to create a folder with the same file as the previous one in the file. If you want to get the most out of this site, please contact us. NAVSON LTD NAVSON LTD alu EGHAM EGHAM TW20 8RY TW20 8RY 100ML Mutritional Value per 100ml Nutritional values per 100ml Nutritional Value per 100ml. AE 211KJ / 50kcal DE Calorific value Protein GB Energy Protein Carbohydrates of which sugars Fat of which saturates Fiber Sodium FR Energy value Protelnes Glucides dont sugar And 12.0g 12.0g 0g 0g 0g 0.003g Carbohydrates of which Zucker Fat Lipids dont acid grass saturated Dietary fiber Sodium of which saturated fatty acids Fiber Sodium ENEERGY DRINK Vitamin C Niacin Pantothenic acid Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Niacin Pantothenic acid Vitamin B6 Vitamin B2 Folic acid 18.0mg 22.5 * S.Amg 1.8mg CAFFE CAFFEINIE-SIX VITAMINS 33.8 * Vitamin C Niacin (Vit. B3) Pantothenic Acid Vitamin B6 Vitamin B2 Folic Acid 30.0 * 0.6mg 42.9 0.48mg 34.3 * 60.0μg 1 30.0 * 500ML Vitamin B2 Folic Acid (*% The recommended Daily dose) ("% of RDA) (*% Des Apports Journalists Recommended) G1SJ04A 5 060148 623351