new Zealand

To the Retailer: Paler. Please retain this can d from your Oasis Industries WINNACAN WINNACAN Ltd., Sales hSales Representative. is valid to 10 to 10th February 1989. 355mL Wina can of CO COKE sands to be won! When yo thousands drink this speci: WINNA CAN dr WI "COKE for the p for the printed messaç EACH PROMOTIONPROMOTIONAL CAN HAS A MESSAGE PRISSAGE PRINTED ON THE INSIDE BASE OSDE BASE OF THE CAN COKE' look insic Recyclat If the message reads are able to coreto correctly complete this advertising slogan g slogan for 'Coca-Cola'... You can't bel an't beat the f..1.g age reads COKE' and yu When you present cipating store, you FREE can of Coce is valid to 10th To the Retailer: Pl for refund from yo Ltd, Sales Rep present this can at a parti- Store, you are entitled to a of Coca-Cola'. This offer lo 10th February 1989. Sales Representative. TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD Coca-Cola TRADE MARK REGD. ALL ALUMINIUM CAN MADE IN N.Z. PREPARED & CANNED BY OASIS INDUSTRIES LTD. THE OASIS, MT WELLINGTON, AUCKLAND, N.Z. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE COCA COLA COMPANY OWNER OF THE TRADE MARKS 'COCA COLA' AND COKE' CONTAINS CARBONATED WATER, SUGAR, COLOUR (150), FOOD ACID (338), FLAVOURS, CAFFEINE
To the Retailer: Paler. Please retain this can d from your Oasis Industries WINNACAN WINNACAN Ltd., Sales hSales Representative. is valid to 10 to 10th February 1989. 355mL Wina can of CO COKE sands to be won! When yo thousands drink this speci: WINNA CAN dr WI "COKE for the p for the printed messaç EACH PROMOTIONPROMOTIONAL CAN HAS A MESSAGE PRISSAGE PRINTED ON THE INSIDE BASE OSDE BASE OF THE CAN COKE' look insic Recyclat If the message reads are able to coreto correctly complete this advertising slogan g slogan for 'Coca-Cola'... You can't bel an't beat the f..1.g age reads COKE' and yu When you present cipating store, you FREE can of Coce is valid to 10th To the Retailer: Pl for refund from yo Ltd, Sales Rep present this can at a parti- Store, you are entitled to a of Coca-Cola'. This offer lo 10th February 1989. Sales Representative. TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD Coca-Cola TRADE MARK REGD. ALL ALUMINIUM CAN MADE IN N.Z. PREPARED & CANNED BY OASIS INDUSTRIES LTD. THE OASIS, MT WELLINGTON, AUCKLAND, N.Z. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE COCA COLA COMPANY OWNER OF THE TRADE MARKS 'COCA COLA' AND COKE' CONTAINS CARBONATED WATER, SUGAR, COLOUR (150), FOOD ACID (338), FLAVOURS, CAFFEINE