new Zealand

Birkenheadtenhead, Auckland P.O. Box 340 . Box 34071 your prize from prize from list FREE FREE CAV FREE CAN of 'COKE' Enclose the can olose the can and post to:- DRAW Enter undEnter unclaimed one ATCHOWI NOlte MATC WINONE Look inside can your prize from FIND WIN FREE FREE CAN ok inside can, match r prize from list 355mL 1. 11 111 1111 FREE CAN of 'COKE' Pocket radio Gear bag Tishirt Sunvisor Pocket rad Gear bag T-shirt Sunvitor prize draw WON a CAN of t N CAN of 'Coke:l... return can to a prm can to a participating outlet, answer the, answer the question below and claim w and claim your CAN. prize dran Recyclate WON A PRIZE On ONA PRIZE! On the back of an envelope wit ian envelope write The name of the name of the number 1 selling soft drikt eing soft drink in N.Z. The prize you laprize you have won. Your name and ur name and address and phone number.e number, ATCHIWIN ONE, MATCHIWINO P.O. Box 34071 Birkenhead, A Competition closa participating outet 10.Box 34071 tenhead, Auckland aition closes 30/4/'90. See wating outlets for details. TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD. TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD. PREPARED & CANNED BY OASIS INDUSTRIES LTD. THE OASIS, MT WELLINGION, AUCKLAND, N.Z. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE COCA COLA COMPANY OWNER OF THE TRADE MARKS COCA COLA AND COKE CONTAINS CARBONATED WATER, SUGAR, COLOUR (1501, FOOD ACID (338), FLAVOURS
Birkenheadtenhead, Auckland P.O. Box 340 . Box 34071 your prize from prize from list FREE FREE CAV FREE CAN of 'COKE' Enclose the can olose the can and post to:- DRAW Enter undEnter unclaimed one ATCHOWI NOlte MATC WINONE Look inside can your prize from FIND WIN FREE FREE CAN ok inside can, match r prize from list 355mL 1. 11 111 1111 FREE CAN of 'COKE' Pocket radio Gear bag Tishirt Sunvisor Pocket rad Gear bag T-shirt Sunvitor prize draw WON a CAN of t N CAN of 'Coke:l... return can to a prm can to a participating outlet, answer the, answer the question below and claim w and claim your CAN. prize dran Recyclate WON A PRIZE On ONA PRIZE! On the back of an envelope wit ian envelope write The name of the name of the number 1 selling soft drikt eing soft drink in N.Z. The prize you laprize you have won. Your name and ur name and address and phone number.e number, ATCHIWIN ONE, MATCHIWINO P.O. Box 34071 Birkenhead, A Competition closa participating outet 10.Box 34071 tenhead, Auckland aition closes 30/4/'90. See wating outlets for details. TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD. TRADE MARK REGD TRADE MARK REGD. PREPARED & CANNED BY OASIS INDUSTRIES LTD. THE OASIS, MT WELLINGION, AUCKLAND, N.Z. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE COCA COLA COMPANY OWNER OF THE TRADE MARKS COCA COLA AND COKE CONTAINS CARBONATED WATER, SUGAR, COLOUR (1501, FOOD ACID (338), FLAVOURS