San Miguel

ESPECIACIAL EXPLORING THE WORLDS EXPLORING THE WORO ** PREMIUM *** tnal Elaboración cuidada. Sabor puro y nahoal t auidada Sabor puro y natural. Elaboración cuidadn doo in cuidada babor puro y natural. Elaboracitn auidada erin cuidada Sabor puro y natural. Elaboración oid itla Sabor puro y natiral. Elatboración cuidada da 33dE Al.5,4himi INTERNACION IONAL NTERNACIONAL SanTMiiquel SanTMiguel 18 EICIO DE ATENCIÓN AL CORCOMIBOR SAN MIGUEL 902 10 03 44 EXPLORING THE WORLD THE EXPLORING ANORLD SINCE *** PREMIUM"EMIUM. ESPECIAL LAGER BEER ORIGINAL LAGER BI IT 1090· ORIGINAL LAGER BEER • DESDE 1890 • DESDE 1890 - CERVEZAS SAN MIGUEL, S.L.U. C/ Urgell, 240-08036 Barcelona (España-Spain). R6806 O Por 100ml: Valor energético / Energia / Energy/Énergle/Energi / Energie /EvépyEia: 204 kJ/49 kcal. 8 4 10655 000010 CERVEZA E: cerveza especial. Ingredientes: agua, malta de cebada, maiz, lúpulo. Consumir preferentemente antes del: ver base lata./CAT: cervesa especial. Ingredients: algua, malt d'ordi, blat de moro, lúpol. Consumir preferentment abans del: veure base llauna./GB: beer. Ingredients: water, barley malt maize, hop. Best before: see base of can. /F: bière. Ingrédients: eau, malt d'orge, mais, houblon. A consommer de préférence avant le: voir fond boite./M: Distribué par: Ebertec SA 12, Rue Saad Ibnou Ouakass 20300 Casablanca Maroc. AG ONSSA: ES.5.76.15/1: birra speciale. Ingredienti: acqua, malto d'orzo, mais, luppolo. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro il: vedere il fondo./P: cerveja premium. Ingredientes: água, malte de cevada, milho, lúpulo. Consumir de preferência antes de: ver fundo./SE: starköl. Ingredienser: vatten, kommalt, majs, humle. Băst före: se botten. /DK: 8l. Ingredienser: vand, bygmalt majs, hurmle. Mindst holdbar til: se bunden af dåsen./NL: bier. Ingredienten: water, gerstemout, mais, hop. Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie onderkant Gik./ GR- Nπpα. Συστατικά: Νερό, βύνη κριθαριού, καλαμπόκι και λυκίσκος Ανάλωση κατά προτίμηση: βλ βάση κουτού CERVEZA SINCE 1890 52ERVER AS5ON MISUE
SPECIAL EXPLORING THE WORLDS EXPLORING THE WORO ** PREMIUM *** tnal Careful elaboration. Pure and nahoal flavor t auidada Pure and natural flavor. Elaboration cuidadn doo in careful pure and natural port. Elaboracitn auidada erin care Pure and natural flavor. Elaboration oid itla Pure and natural flavor. Elatboración careful da 33dE Al.5,4himi IONAL INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SanTMiiquel SanTMiguel 18 EICIO DE ATENCIÓN AL CORCOMIBOR SAN MIGUEL 902 10 03 44 EXPLORING THE WORLD THE EXPLORING ANORLD SINCE *** PREMIUM "EMIUM. SPECIAL LAGER BEER ORIGINAL LAGER BI IT 1090 · ORIGINAL LAGER BEER • SINCE 1890 • SINCE 1890 - CERVEZAS SAN MIGUEL, S.L.U. C / Urgell, 240-08036 Barcelona (Spain-Spain). R6806 O Per 100ml: Energy value / Energy / Energy / Energy / Energy / Energy / EvépyEia: 204 kJ / 49 kcal. 8 4 10655 000010 BEER E: special beer. Ingredients: water, barley malt, corn, hops. Consume preferably before: see base can./CAT: special beer. Ingredients: seaweed, barley malt, corn, hops. Consume preferably before: see base can./GB: beer. Ingredients: water, barley malt corn, hop. Best before: see base of can. / F: beer. Ingredients: water, barley malt, corn, hops. To be consumed preferably before: see bottom of the box./M: Distributed by: Ebertec SA 12, Rue Saad Ibnou Ouakass 20300 Casablanca Morocco. AG ONSSA: ES.5.76.15 / 1: special beer. Ingredients: water, barley malt, corn, hops. To be consumed preferably within the: see the bottom./P: cerveja premium. Ingredients: water, barley malt, corn, hops. Consume preferably before: ver fundo./SE: starköl. Ingredients: vatten, kommalt, majs, humle. Băst före: se botten. / DK: 8l. Ingredients: vand, bygmalt majs, hurmle. Mindst holdbar til: se bunden af dåsen./NL: bier. Ingredients: water, gerstemout, mais, hop. Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie onderkant Gik./ GR- Nπpα. Άυστατικά: Νερό, βύνη κριθαριού, καλαμπόκι και λυκίσκος Ανάλωση κατά προτίμηση: βλ βάση κουτού BEER SINCE 1890 52ERVER AS5ON MISUE