
LECIONADOS QUE LHE DÃO CERVEZA EZA CERVEJA KARLSQUEQUELL KARILSQUELL BLACK BLACK CK €18 NTIC THEN ECOPONTO IMENTIC CONTENEDOR AMARILLO AMARELO ASTE ... TASTE FE TA COM INGREDIENTES NGREDIENTES RE LE OTORGAN TENTICO SELE M SABOR AUTENTICO UN SABOR AUTÉNTICO A.coOL 4,6 % vol. ALCOHOL 4,6 % vol. fnaita de cebada), ext octo de fupulo Lote/C onsumir preferentemente antes del fin de: veer base de la lata/Cerveja lngredientes: água, malte de cevada, extracto de lúpulo. Lote/Consumir de preferência antes do fim de: ver base de la lata: erveza negr 33cde CSYF06C AU MNR 2-21553 2400 5098 AU Fabricado en la U.E. por:/Fabricado na U.E.por: HOFBRÄUHAUS VERTRIEBS GmbH- Karlsbergstraße 62 -66424 Homburg ALEMANIA I ALEMANHA Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco./ Armazenar em local fresco e seco.
TEACHERS THAT GIVE YOU CERVEZA EZA BEER KARLSQUEQUELL KARILSQUELL BLACK BLACK CK €18 NICT THEN ECOPOINT IMENTIC CONTAINER YELLOW YELLOW ASTE ... TASTE FAITH IT'S WITH INGREDIENTS NGREDIENTS RE LE OTORGAN I try SELECT M AUTHENTIC FLAVOR AN AUTHENTIC FLAVOR A.coOL 4.6 % vol. ALCOHOL 4.6 % vol. fnaita of barley), ext octo de fupulo Lot/C onsume preferably before the end of: see base de la Can/Beer Ingredients: water, barley malt, hop extract. Batch / Consume preferably before from the end of: see can base: black eve 33cde CSYF06C AU MNR 2-21553 2400 5098 AU Made in the U.E. by: / Made in the U.E. by: HOFBRÄUHAUS VERTRIEBS GmbH- Karlsbergstraße 62 -66424 Homburg GERMANY I GERMANY Keep in a cool, dry place./ Store in a cool, dry place.