
SERVEZA Espiga Hypreradtive Espiga Hyprenadie ESPIGA GEEKS gCERVESARA ESPIGA GEEKS CERVEZA ENTES/INGREDIENTS H20 /apa/water indesm vulgare a de cebada/barley malt ioum aestivum nata de trigo/wheat malt apos de trigo /flaked wheat malta d'erd Segueix-nos //Siguenos //Follow us malta del flocs de bla brens sativa copos de avena/flaked oats ls hupulus flocs de chrade Espigaa Hypperadtive Sipulo/hop arompces cerevisiae Sachen Ink leiadura/yeast tn amb triple dry hopping en la- sauitades. Sense pasteuritzar. r con triple dry hopping en afrutadas. Sin pasteurizar. Reer with triple dry eralence of fruity notes. pteurized. Cervesa Artesa que predominm l Cerveza Artes la que predomiat AmlerCf bopping ESPIGA GEEKS 7,5%vol. 44d. T.D.H. IPA COMPANYIA ARTESANA MAIANS S.L. C. Malet 12, nau n°3, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons Alt Penedès, Barcelona. Spain. BEER SEBVELA Elaborada- Lot-Consumir preferentment abans del: veure base Elaborada- Lote-Consumir preferentemente antes del: ver base Brewed- Batch-Best before: see base Conservar en un lloc fred, sec i en posició vertical Conservar en un lugar frio, seco y en posición vertical Keep it cold and dry in a standing position Product of EU
SERVICE Ear Hypreradtive Ear Hyprenadie ESPIGA GEEKS gCERVESARA ESPIGA GEEKS BEER BODIES / INGREDIENTS H20 / apa / water indesm vulgar a barley / barley malt ioum aestivum wheat / wheat malt cream wheat toads / flaked wheat erd malt Follow us // Follow us // Follow us malta del bla flakes brens sativa oatmeal / flaked oats ls hupulus chrade flakes Ear Hypperadtive Sipulo / hop arompces cerevisiae Sachen Ink leiadura / yeast tn with triple dry hopping in the sauitades. Unpasteurized. r with triple dry hopping in fruity. Unpasteurized. Reer with triple dry eralence of fruity notes. pteurized. Craft Beer which predominate l Beer Arts the one that predominated AmlerCf bopping ESPIGA GEEKS 7.5% vol. 44d. T.D.H. IPA COMPANY ARTESANA MAIANS S.L. C. Malet 12, nau n ° 3, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons Alt Penedès, Barcelona. Spain. BEER SEBVELA Elaborated- Lot-Consume preferably before: see base Elaborated- Lot-Consume preferably before: see base Brewed- Batch-Best before: see base Store in a cool, dry place and in an upright position Store in a cool, dry place and in an upright position Keep it cold and dry in a standing position Product of EU