
Swati. Kungetifiso letinjalo kutsi otinah HA HALALA HALALA LAGER Halala Lager has been specially brewed in celebration of the coronation of Swaziland's new King. Halala is an expression of god halti Nd halth and good luck for the future and it is with they vih these sentiments that this beer is brewed. Halala! trwed in aziland's CORONATION is with Halala Lager Tjwala lobuphiselwe kugubha unlis gtha umkhosi wekuphakanyiswa kweMntfwana kube abe yhis e yiNkhosi yemhlaba. Halala usho kufisela imphile lali phil lenhle nenhlanhla elikusaseni kwelive nesive sam Swati. Kungetifiso Iletinjalo kutsi loijui lajwala buphiswe. Halala! 1SIve sema dom Brewed in the Kingdom of Swaziland 450ml BREWED BY SWAZILAND BREWERS. LTD*. MATSAPA. SWAZILAND. ONTZ OWIZVMS
Swati. It is not with such wishes that otinah HALALA HALALA LAGER Halala Lager has been specially brewed in celebration of the coronation of Swaziland's new King. Halala is an expression of god halti Nd halth and good luck for the future and it is with them vih these sentiments that this beer is brewed. Congratulations! trwed in aziland's CORONATION is with Congratulations Lager Alcohol brewed for celebrating unlis gtha festival of the exaltation of the Child to be yhis e by the Lord of the earth. Congratulations on wishing you well in this beautiful phil good luck in the future of the country and my people Swati. It is not uncommon for such a drunkard to get drunk boiled. Congratulations! 1SIve sema dom Brewed in the Kingdom of Swaziland 450ml BREWED BY SWAZILAND BREWERS. LTD *. MATSAPA. SWAZILAND. ONTZ OWIZVMS