
Dark Barley Wint arley Wine Aged on Knockando Maltando Malt Barrels pure & cn pure & craft Consumi pe entemente antes de: 11/2024. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro: 11/2024. Ten mise lududar tot 11/2024. Best before: 11/2024. Mindestens haltbar bis: 11/2024. e te pefrence avant le: 11/2024. Bäst före: 11/2024. Parasta ennen: 11/2024. BIER R, BEER, CERVEZA, BIRRA, BIRL OUBRE, OLUT, STARKÖL, ØL Ingretedenten: Ingredients: Zutaten: Ingredientes: Ingredet dent: Ingrédients: Ingredienser: Ainesosat: (NL) Wae Water, Gerstemout, Hop, Suiker, Gist (GB) Wa Nater Barley malt, Hops, Sugar, Yeast (DE) Waze Wase, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Zucker, Hefe (ES) Aga gua Malta de Cebada, Lúpulo, Azúcar, Levadura (1) kga kqua Malto d'Orzo, Luppolo, Zucchero, Lievito (FR) EauEa, Malt d'orge, Houblon, Sucre, Levure (SE) Vame ete,Kornmalt, Humle, Socker, Jäst (F) Ves les, Ohramallas, Humala, Sokeri, Hiiva (DK) Var land Byg malt, Humle, Sukker, Gær CRA PAE kk PANT I KR EBU EBC 55 35 PANT KR BROUWER BROUWERIJ KEES KEES 1; Pale Ale, Crystal Chocolate pure & cra Pure & craft Simaremcoe Barrel aged BARBARREL PROJEC ANOAI 19.11 A consonte e Minds holder t1/2024 AUCAK. 10%VOL. InhCn Cont. Net.: 38030 ML 45-Doppio Malto Geproduceerd door. Product of: Produziert von: Producido por. Prodotto da: 6 W Produit par: Producerad av. Tuotanto: Fremstillet af: win Barley Wine Aged on ando Malt Barrels Ca SDoppio Malto Dark Barley Brouwerij Kees Voltaweg 16 Knockando Malt UK Chief Medical Officers recommend 34 units and women 2-3 units daily. ont reguaty exceed Men 4338 PS Middelburg ONTS The Netherlands 8 719325 298680
Dark Barley Wint arley Wine Aged on Knockando Maltando Malt Barrels pure & cn pure & craft Consume only before: 11/2024. From consumer preference entry: 11/2024. Ten mise lududar tot 11/2024. Best before: 11/2024. Least durable until: 11/2024. e te pefrence avant le: 11/2024. Best before: 11/2024. Parasta ennen: 11/2024. BEER R, BEER, CERVEZA, BIRRA, BIRL OUBRE, OLUT, STARKÖL, ØL Ingredients: Ingredients: Ingredients: Ingredients: Ingredient dent: Ingredients: Ingredients: Ingredients: (NL) Wae Water, Barley Meat, Hop, Sugar, Yeast (GB) Who Nater Barley Malt, Hops, Sugar, Yeast (DE) Waze Wase, barley malt, hops, sugar, yeast (ES) Aga gua Malta de Cebada, Lúpulo, Azúcar, Levadura (1) kga kqua Malto d'Orzo, Luppolo, Zucchero, Lievito (FR) EauEa, Malt d'orge, Houblon, Sucre, Levure (SE) Vame food, barley malt, hops, sugar, yeast (F) Ves les, Ohramallas, Humala, Sokeri, Hiiva (DK) Var land Barley malt, Hops, Sugar, Yeast CRA PAE kk PANT I KR EBU EBC 55 35 PANT KR BREWER BREWERY KEES KEES 1; Pale Ale, Crystal Chocolate pure & cra Pure & craft Simaremcoe Barrel aged BARBARREL PROJEC ANOAI 19.11 A consonte e Minds holder t1 / 2024 AUCAK. 10% VOL. InhCn Cont. Net .: 38030 ML 45-Doppio Malto Produced by. Product of: Produced by: Produced by. Products from: 6 W Product pair: Produced by. Tuotanto: Made from: win Barley Wine Aged on ando Malt Barrels Ca SDoppio Malto Dark Barley Kees Brewery Voltaweg 16 Knockando Malt UK Chief Medical Officers recommend 34 units and women 2-3 units daily. ont reguaty exceed Men 4338 PS Middelburg ONTS The Netherlands 8 719325 298680