Détails d’une canette - Pepsi




  • Nouvelle Zélande





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LOW CALOR ALORIE COLA WIN A TRIP TO N CONCERT ON EARTH TO ENTER. Register for the draw. Phone the Pepsi Summer Of Music Prim ine on 090095432 Plus win prizes of Pepsi Summer Of Music T-Shirts, Cen AShints Caps, Shorts, CD's on the "Pepsi Prize Line". DIET DIET PEPSICOLA DIEET PERPS 355mSml LOW CALORIE COLA NUTRASWEET NUTRASWEET BRAND SWEETENER 355ml BRAND SWEETENER ALSO look inside this Pepsi or Diet Pepsi can for the words "SHIRT Summer of Music T-Shirt, CAP =Summer of Music Cap, "SHORT " Summer of Music Shorts, "CD Summer of Music CD, "PEPSI" a free can of Pepsi redeemable at participating stores. Valld until 31/3/92. Find these words and you are an instant winner. Send in the winning cans with your name, address and phone number to: Pepsl Summer of Music Competition, P.O. Box 4244, Auckland. All calle to the 0900 number cost 99 cents, Including GST, per minute, or part thereof, which will be charged on to your telephone account. Cellular and pay phone calls are charged at a different rate. This service is provided by TELEPHONE INFORMATION LTD, through the Telecom 0900 service. Children ask your parents before dialling. To collect the major prize, winner muet be over 18 years old or have a parent or guardian present to collect the prize. CANNED UNDER APPOINTMENT FROM PEPSICO INC., N.Y., U.S.A., MANUFAC- TURED BY PEPSI-COLA 7UP BOTTLERS (N.Z.) LIMITED, AUCKLAND. CONTAINS CARBONATED WATER (99.6%), COLOUR (150), ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER (ASPARTAME 0.05%), FOOD ACIDS (338,330), FLAVOURS, PRESERVATIVE (211). CAFFEINE. 0.4 CALORIES PER 10OML, CARBOHYDRATE 0.1%, FAT NIL, PROTEIN 0.05%. *NUTRASWEET AND THE NUTRASWEET SYMBOL ARE TRADEMARKS OF THE NUTRASWEET CO.PHENYLKETONURICS -CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER. CALL THE PEPSI FEEDBACK LINE 0800 800 880 WITH YOUR CCOMMENTS ON OUR PRODUCTS, PROMOTIONS OR SERVICE. SOSOLu687 7 6

LOW CALOR ALORIE COLA WIN A TRIP TO N CONCERT ON EARTH TO ENTER. Register for the draw. Phone the Pepsi Summer Of Music Prim ine on 090095432 Plus win prizes of Pepsi Summer Of Music T-Shirts, Cen AShints Caps, Shorts, CD's on the "Pepsi Prize Line". DIET DIET PEPSICOLA DIEET PERPS 355mSml LOW CALORIE COLA NUTRASWEET NUTRASWEET BRAND SWEETENER 355ml BRAND SWEETENER ALSO look inside this Pepsi or Diet Pepsi can for the words "SHIRT Summer of Music T-Shirt, CAP =Summer of Music Cap, "SHORT " Summer of Music Shorts, "CD Summer of Music CD, "PEPSI" a free can of Pepsi redeemable at participating stores. Valld until 31/3/92. Find these words and you are an instant winner. Send in the winning cans with your name, address and phone number to: Pepsl Summer of Music Competition, P.O. Box 4244, Auckland. All calle to the 0900 number cost 99 cents, Including GST, per minute, or part thereof, which will be charged on to your telephone account. Cellular and pay phone calls are charged at a different rate. This service is provided by TELEPHONE INFORMATION LTD, through the Telecom 0900 service. Children ask your parents before dialling. To collect the major prize, winner muet be over 18 years old or have a parent or guardian present to collect the prize. CANNED UNDER APPOINTMENT FROM PEPSICO INC., N.Y., U.S.A., MANUFAC- TURED BY PEPSI-COLA 7UP BOTTLERS (N.Z.) LIMITED, AUCKLAND. CONTAINS CARBONATED WATER (99.6%), COLOUR (150), ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER (ASPARTAME 0.05%), FOOD ACIDS (338,330), FLAVOURS, PRESERVATIVE (211). CAFFEINE. 0.4 CALORIES PER 10OML, CARBOHYDRATE 0.1%, FAT NIL, PROTEIN 0.05%. *NUTRASWEET AND THE NUTRASWEET SYMBOL ARE TRADEMARKS OF THE NUTRASWEET CO.PHENYLKETONURICS -CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER. CALL THE PEPSI FEEDBACK LINE 0800 800 880 WITH YOUR CCOMMENTS ON OUR PRODUCTS, PROMOTIONS OR SERVICE. SOSOLu687 7 6
