Details of a can - No Fear


No Fear


  • United Kingdom







oolactoria (0,24%), Jarabe de azúcar Invertido, Antioxidante (Acido ascórbico), ko,Twrine (0.4%), Acidity Regulator bouitm Clate, Glucuronplactone (0.24 p Acldificante (acido citrico), Taurina (0,4%), Røgulador de la acidez (citrate de sod CONTEMIDO DE CAFEINA 30mg/100ml, Por tavor, consumir de torma responsable - A CON SABOR A MANZANA, FORMULADA, CAFEINADA Y CARBONATADA CON TAURINA ndan una dieta variada y balanceada y un estilo de vida saludable. Esta nantes (Sorbato de Potasio, Benzoate de sodio), Cafeina, Inositol (0,02%), Aromatizate WNOFEARENERGYDRINK.C RESEALAB .Caffeine, Inositol (0.02%), Flavouring, Colours (Ammonia Caramel, Ribotlavin), uURONOLACTONA Y VITAMINAS. INGREDIENTES: Agua Carbonatada, Azúcar, Jarabe de cto no es adecuado para niños, mujeres embarazadas y que estèn amamantand ACTONE AND VITAMINS. INGREDIENTS: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Guco CAFFEINATED AND CARBONATED APPLE FLAVOUR BEVERAGE WITH LE CAN TM onas sensibles a la cateina, CAL NUTRITIONAL VALUES PER 100ML TPERE erp Valor energético Pte Proteinas Prte 206kJ/49kcal Og 11,2g 11,2g 0g atalydrate/CarbohidratoS h Sugars/de los cuales azúcares Pat ish Saturates/de los cuales saturados Og Foe Fora Soda Sodio CVitamina C N acina Pethettenic Acid/Acido pantoténico Og 0,09g 41,2mg (250% RDA") 7,2mg (218% RDA). 1,98mg (160% RDA") (160% de la CDR) 0,8mg (277% RDA") 4ug (78% RDA) 85ml Serving/ da 485ml (250% de ia CDR) (218% de la CDR) (277% de la CDR') (78% de la CDR) ONTENT 30mg/100ml ed belanced diet a a healthy Mestyle le not sultable for young children, n or Individuals sensitive to caffelne metickher THE APPLE APPLE ONLY IN AUSTRALA 485mle nle 485mle 10c REFUND AT SANT COLLECTION DEPOTS STATE/TERRITORY OF PURCHASE alu LimoLade mit Apiciyeswtack koscsir Z cne te erimeuat), Tamin, Koiiendre. Kotn. RosevierungssiotierPos un Scrb ac, Natriu.benzoar LAscorbins teut tibotax Medstens h Hoila f ckersirup Aromastode, Amioxioaions- sitot,Farbsiofte (Ammomak-Zuck .cou- antnensau.e, Vitamin Bộ, Vitamus. i. e siene Dosenboden Hergesteli: mn GOODS GambH, Schweizistrasse 20 Gekuhlt geniesser S3AH13A

oolactoria (0.24%), Inverted sugar syrup, Antioxidant (Ascorbic acid), ko, Twrine (0.4%), Acidity Regulator bouitm Clate, Glucuronplactone (0.24 p Acidifier (citric acid), Taurine (0.4%), Acidity regulator (sodium citrate CAFFEINE CONTENT 30mg / 100ml, Please consume responsibly - A WITH APPLE FLAVOR, FORMULATED, CAFFEINATED AND CARBONATED WITH TAURINE They eat a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. This nantes (Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate), Caffeine, Inositol (0.02%), Aromatizate WNOFEARENERGYDRINK.C RESEALAB .Caffeine, Inositol (0.02%), Flavoring, Colors (Ammonia Caramel, Ribotlavin), uURONOLACTONE AND VITAMINS. INGREDIENTS: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Syrup cto is not suitable for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women ACTONE AND VITAMINS. INGREDIENTS: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Guco CAFFEINATED AND CARBONATED APPLE FLAVOR BEVERAGE WITH CAN YOU TM ones sensitive to catein, CAL NUTRITIONAL VALUES PER 100ML TPERE erp Energy value Pte Proteins Part 206kJ / 49kcal Og 11.2g 11.2g 0g atalydrate / Carbohydrates h Sugars / of which sugars Pat ish Saturates / of which saturated Og Foe fora Soda Sodium CVitamin C N acine Pethettenic Acid / Pantothenic Acid Og 0.09g 41.2mg (250% RDA ") 7.2mg (218% RDA). 1.98mg (160% RDA ") (160% of the RDA) 0.8mg (277% RDA ") 4ug (78% RDA) 85ml Serving / gives 485ml (250% ai CDR) (218% of the CDR) (277% of the CDR ') (78% of the CDR) ONTENT 30mg / 100ml ed belanced diet a a healthy Mestyle le not sultable for young children, n or Individuals sensitive to caffelne metickher THE MANZANA MANZANA ONLY IN AUSTRALA 485mle nle 485mle 10c REFUND AT SANT COLLECTION DEPOTS STATE / TERRITORY OF PURCHASE alu LimoLade mit Apiciyeswtack koscsir Z cne te erimeuat), Tamin, Koiiendre. Kotn. RosevierungssiotierPos a Scrb ac, Natriu.benzoar LAscorbins teut tibotax Medstens h Hoila f ckersirup Aromastode, Amioxioaions- sitot, Farbsiofte (Ammomak-Zuck .cou- antnensau.e, Vitamin Bộ, Vitamus. i. e siene Dosenboden Hergesteli: mn GOODS GambH, Schweizistrasse 20 Gekuhlt geniesser S3AH13A
