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ORINE MOYENNE/NAHRWERTANGABE aromes, cafeine 0,03%, acide phosphorique E338, acide citnque, nos NL-Ingredienter Koolzuurhoudend water, suiker. glucose, taurne L ENERGERGY COLA VOEDINGSWAARDENALEUR NUTRITIONES ROCKSTAR ENERY DRINK • BOISSON ENERGISANTE KOFFEN-UNG-TAR HÄLTIGES ERFRISHUNGSGETRANK • LICHT SPRANKELEND LEGERE (paullinia cupana) zaadextrakt (0,01%), panax ginsengwonei ant glucuronolactoe (0,23%), kleurstoffen (caramel e150c, nbofiavne E aroma's, caffein 10,03%), fosforzuur E338), citroenzuur E330, os GUARANA B-VITAMINS LFFEINE GINSENG Energie Valeur energetique/Brennwert Proteine Proteines/Eiweiß Koolhydraten/ es/Kohlenhydrate Waarvan suik sucres/davon Zucker Vevlipides/Fer Waarvan ver Voedingsvezel Natrium/Sodi Niacine/Niac Vitamine B6/M Vitamine B12/ Pantoteenzuur *ADH = Aanbev Dagelijkse Hoeveelheid *AJR = Apports maliers Recommandes *RDA = EmpholeTagesdosis dont satures/davon gesättigte Fettsäuren limentaires/Ballaststoffe in B6/Vitamin B6 B12/Vitamin B12 pantothenique/Panthothensäure 1 3.60mg 20 0.40mg 30 ROC CKS R ENERGERGY COLA PÉTILLANTE KOHLENSÄUREHALTIG ENEGERYIEN vitamines (niacne, pantotheenzuur, vitamine B6, vitamine Bi 0.01%). FR-ingredients: eaux gazeifiee, sucrose, glucose, tar alucuronolactone, colorants: couleur caramel E150c), nbotilanma vitamines (niacine, calcium pantothenate, B6, B12) guarana cupana) extrait de racine (0,01".), panax ginseng extrait de race DE-Ingredients: eaux gazeitiee, sucrose, glucose, taurm 1A glucuronolactone, colorants: couleur caramel E150c, nibotla aromes, caféine 0,03 %, acide phosphorique E338, acide citrique vitamines (niacine, calcium pantothenate, B6, B12) gquarana cupana) extrait de racine (0,01°%), panax ginseng extrait de racme HOOG CAFEINE GEHALTE TENEUR ELEVEE EN CAFENE ERHÖHTER KOFFEINGEHALT • NL: Dit product bevat caffeine en is niet geschikt voor kinderen, ma vrouwen en caffeine gevoelige mensen. Niet in grote hoeveeiheden getrk FR: Ce produit contient de la cafeine, il est deconseille aux entants enceintes ou personnes sensible a la cafeine. Consommer avec noderi DE: Dieses Produkt enthält Koffein und der Genuss wird für Kinder, schang oder stillende Frauen und Personen, weiche empfindlich aut Kofein regen nicht empfohlen. Bitte verzehren Sie das Produkt verantwortungsten ROCKSTAR Energy Drink darf nicht mit Alkohol gemischt we 32 ng Mi Double Size GIRR Double Kick 500ml e Bak alu 500 500ml e ENERGY COL A ROCKSTAR Energy Cola Is designed for those who lead active and exhausting lifestyles 8 728500 997331 > A S9AG07A+ STE HOUDRAAR TOT. A CONSOMMER MANT LR MINDESTENS MALTRAR AS: ZIE Serve chilled - Koel serveren Schmeckt
ORINE MOYENNE / NAHRWERTANGABE aromas, caffeine 0.03%, phosphoric acid E338, citric acid, nos NL Ingredient Carbonated water, sugar. glucose, taurne L ENERGERGY COLA NUTRITIONAL VALUE NUTRITIONES ROCKSTAR ENERY DRINK • BOISSON ENERGY SANTAIN COFFEE-YOUNG TAR HEALTHY REFRESHING BEVERAGE • LIGHT SPRINKLING LEG (paullinia cupana) seed extract (0.01%), panax ginsengwonei ant glucuronolactoe (0.23%), dyes (caramel e150c, nbofiavne E aromas, caffeine 10.03%), phosphoric acid E338), citric acid E330, os GUARANA B-VITAMINS LFFEINE GINSENG Energy Energy value / calorific value Proteins Proteins / Protein Carbohydrates / es / Carbohydrates Of which sugar sucres / of which Zucker Vevlipides / Fer Of which far Dietary fiber Sodium / Sodium Niacine / Niac Vitamin B6 / M Vitamin B12 / Pantothenic acid * ADH = Recommended Daily Quantity * AJR = Apports maliers Recommended * RDA = EmpholeTagesdose dont satures / of which saturated fatty acids limentaires / Ballaststoffe in B6 / Vitamin B6 B12 / Vitamin B12 pantothenic / panthothenic acid 1 3.60mg 20 0.40mg 30 ROC CKS R ENERGERGY COLA PÉTILLANTE COHLIC ACID CONTAINING ENEGERY vitamins (niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin Bi 0.01%). FR ingredients: eaux gazeifiee, sucrose, glucose, tar alucuronolactone, colorants: caramel color E150c), nbotilanma vitamins (niacin, calcium pantothenate, B6, B12) guarana cupana) racin extract (0.01 ".), panax ginseng race extract DE Ingredients: eaux gazeitiee, sucrose, glucose, taurm 1A glucuronolactone, colorants: caramel color E150c, nibotla aromas, caffeine 0.03%, phosphoric acid E338, citric acid vitamins (niacin, calcium pantothenate, B6, B12) gquarana cupana) racine extract (0.01 °%), panax ginseng raceme extract HIGH CAFEIN QUALITY TENEUR ELEVEE AND CAFENE INCREASES COFFEE CONTENT • NL: This product contains caffeine and is not suitable for children, ma women and caffeine sensitive people. Not pulled in large quantities FR: This product contains caffeine, it is recommended for children sensitive or sensitive people in the cafe. Consommer avec noderi DE: This product contains caffeine and the pleasure is for children, schang or lactating women and persons, soft sensitive to caffeine rain not recommended. Please consume the product responsibly ROCKSTAR Energy Drink must not be mixed with alcohol 32 ng Mi Double Size GIRR Double Kick 500ml e Bak alu 500 500ml e ENERGY COL A ROCKSTAR Energy Cola Is designed for those who lead active and exhausting lifestyles 8 728500 997331> A S9AG07A + STE CONTAINER TOT. A CONSOMMER MANT LR AT LEAST MALTRAR AS: SEE Serve chilled - Cool serving taste