Détails d’une canette - Tag




  • Espagne





Code Barre:


S Cerveza. Ingredientes: agua ma cebada, maíz, cebada, lupul, core Ceveja Ingredientes: água, malte te milho, cevada, lúpulo, corante: reta de alorante (E150c), estabilizante (E405). Servir fría. No agitar antes de consume Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco Fabricado en la U.E. para Distribuidera Internacional de Alimentación, SA. C ecnto Benavente, 2A, 28232 Las Rozas Matird España por Font Salem, S.L. Lote/Coresumr preferentemente antes del: ver base de Atención al Cliente: 91 217 04 53/www.dia.es n de propileno glicol (INS 405). NTEM GLUTEN. Baixa fermentação. enar em local fresco e seco. Evitar fisico. Não congelar. atado por: Font Salem, S.L., Partida el sh 4843 Salem (Valencia- arl Industria Espanhola rado e distribuido por: DIA Brasil Scecade Limitada C.N.P.J.: E0E7/0001-51. Av Dr. Cardoso de 5-2 andar. EP 4548-005. São Paulo- SP. so MAPA n° SP 000054-0. Consumir de preferência antes de: ete da lata. com moderacão. Evite o consumo de alcool. a venda a menores de 18 anos. Serico de Atendimento ao Ciente: LAGER LAGER. LAGER terd. Tang GB Beer. Ingredients: water barle barley malt, corn, barley, hops. colour !E150c), stabiliser (E405). Store in a cool and dry place away from from strong odours and exposure to sunlgtanight. Serve chilled. Do not shake betore consumption. Manufactured in U.E. for Distribuiderara Internacional de Alimentación, SA. C/ Jacinto Benavente, 2 A, 28232 Lass Rozas (Madrid) España by Font SalemSen S.L. Batch:/Best before: see bottom d f the can. Tag Ber Brer Bier São Paulo [11) 4002-1080/ Demais localidades S0800-7751080. sacdiabrasiladia group.com/ www.dia.com.br COD 206208 S77425 KR6BNTAO CERVEJA BEER Envases CERVEZA BEER +18 330 ml alc. 4,8% vol alc. 4,8% vol 330 ml alc. 4,8% vol 330 ml 0882E293 8 4800 17 14995

S Cerveza. Ingredients: bad water barley, maize, barley, lupul, core Beer Ingredients: water, malt corn, barley, hops, coloring: straight from brightening (E150c), stabilizer (E405). Serve cold. Do not shake before consuming Keep in a cool and dry place Made in the U.E. for Distribuidera Internacional de Alimentación, SA. cent Benavente, 2A, 28232 Las Rozas Matird España by Font Salem, SL Lote/Coresumr preferably before: see base of Customer Service: 91 217 04 53/www.dia.es n of propylene glycol (INS 405). NO GLUTEN. Low fermentation. enar in a cool, dry place. Avoid physicist. Do not freeze. tied by: Font Salem, SL, Departure el sh 4843 Salem (Valencia- arl spanish industry Developed and distributed by: DIA Brasil Scecade Limited C.N.P.J.: E0E7/0001-51. Av Dr. Cardoso de 5-2 floor. EP 4548-005. Sao Paulo-SP. only MAP No. SP 000054-0. Consume preferably before: ete from the can. with moderation. avoid consumption of alcohol. sale to children under 18 years of age. Service Service to the Aware: LAGER LAGER. LAGER terd. Tang GB Beer. Ingredients: water barle barley malt, corn, barley, hops. color !E150c), stabilizer (E405). Store in a cool and dry place away from strong odors and exposure to sunlgtnight. Serve chilled. do not shake betore consumption. Manufactured in U.E. for Distribuiderara Internacional de Alimentación, SA. C/ Jacinto Benavente, 2 A, 28232 Lass Rozas (Madrid) Spain by Font SalemSen SL Batch:/Best before: see bottom d f the can. Tag Ber brea Bier São Paulo [11) 4002-1080/ Too much places S0800-7751080. sacdiabrasiladia group.com/ www.dia.com.br COD 206208 S77425 KR6BNTAO BEER BEER packagings BEER BEER +18 330 ml alc. 4.8% vol alc. 4.8% vol 330 ml alc. 4.8% vol 330 ml 0882E293 8 4800 17 14995
